Welcome to Lightning Docs

Lightning Docs is a fully automated, cloud-based loan document solution developed by Geraci LLP. Its user-friendly interface, low cost, and instant delivery make Lightning Docs the perfect solution for your loan documentation needs.

Here's how it works:

Lightning Docs puts best-in-class, law firm-grade loan documents at your fingertips. 


Complete a brief questionnaire with some basic information about your loan, such as: the loan amount, loan term, interest rate, etc.


Lightning Docs assesses the terms entered, and tailors your loan document set to your specific transaction.


Download your documents with the peace of mind that all relevant terms and provisions are included to keep you protected and out of litigation!

Lightning Docs is trusted by over 50% of the top 50 Private Lenders in the U.S.

and are the official loan documents of AAPL!

The Latest Lightning Docs Data

Week of 6/10/24

Average National Interest Rate (Bridge): 11.26% (up 0.07% from last week)
Best Interest Rate Bridge Counties: St. Louis, MO (12.10%) || Cuyahoga, OH (11.30%) || Cook, IL (10.96%)

Average National Interest Rate (30-Year DSCR): 7.88% (down 0.05% from last week)
Most Active DSCR Counties: Philadelphia, PA (16 loans) || Essex, NJ (9 loans) || Cuyahoga, OH (8 loans)

New Lightning Docs Features

With the launch of Lightning Docs 2.0 comes some exciting new system capabilities. Thanks to our brand new platform –  closing a loan has never been easier!

Create Your Own Loan Product Templates

You can now set specific pieces of information to pre-fill in the Lightning Docs interview when starting a new file. This tool can help users reduce the potential for errors and cut down the time you are spending drafting loan documents.

API and System Integration

With the launch of Lightning Docs 2.0 comes the introduction of an API, or an "application programming interface." Lightning Docs can now pair with any existing loan origination system or internal propriety software to transfer your loan data, and produce your loan document set.

Compliance Warnings

Lightning Docs has you protected like never before! When using our new interface, you will now be warned of various different compliance variables that you should consider when making a loan in your given collateral property state. Such variables include usury limits, default interest rates, prepayment penalties, and many more!